
BIO PAGE 1                BIO PAGE 2

    FRONT amazes and captures the attention of any chicken within a thirty four and a half mile radius; with quick high energy riffs, and forty feet of schlong.  FRONT shred's ears like they blow trousers...BIG TIME...  FRONT's sound is a mixture of Punk, Pop, and Hip-Hop that grabs you by the bird and makes you think "HEY, this has got me by the bird".  But seriously, FRONT's in you face, up your ass, nut crushing sound  defiantly defines the Detroit rock scene.  A  scene that's about to have its teeth pulled one by one and replace with golden FRONT fillings   "WORD".  

    So don't be gay, come out and support FRONT machine's songs of post-teenage "Angst" for "Christ's sake"...  'cuz were going to be fuckin' famous before long....shit were going to be bigger than Poison, Night Ranger, Biggey Smalls and shit!....Come out and see our SHIT!!!   Hear our SHIT!!!   Love our SHIT!!!  Shit's good, real good!!!  I love shit....FUCKIN' "A" man...  Why don't you marry it then?