BIO PAGE 1 BIO PAGE 2 Straight from the streets of HELL...Michigan....well 20 miles west of Hell, Michigan, come three cats whose love for right noise and hatred for small-town existence brings them together in a unfadeable unbreakable band....REALLY!!!... A brotherhood that feeds the somewhat ridiculous, sometimes scandalous, but always interesting human behavior that's hidden in the souls of all men. Hence the beginning of a band is born, or a machine. This machine fronted by L.D.T, the extreme musical genius whose impulsive bipolar lyrics interreges even the most skeptical of listeners...EVEN BIG WORM...The low end would be held by the quick tongued Sugar Rig, a courser of large hip - hoptic bass lines...AHH HELL YEA!!!...on the guitar JR-Puff-N-Stuff the extraterrestrial whose lightning fast riffs leave mere mortal men thinking "man those sure were lighting fast riffs", but not yet complete the machine chewed up many of the would be drummers. Impostors who would live in the fuckin' 80's and play scorpion songs then rock like friggin gods. The machine was relentless, scowering Mid-Michigan until one evening in an underground sex club Sugar Rig met Big Jiz Stallion. Stallion a fruit picker from San Diego was fed up with the hustle and bustle of a migrate worker's life, yearing for sex, drugs, and rock-N-roll lifestyle that Sugar Rig and company embodied. Stallion was quick to become the forth and final gear, and so with that FRONT was born!!! Read on for rest BIO PAGE 2 |